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Last week Lee (President), and Chris (Business Development Manager) visited the completed site at South Eastern University’s Health Science Building in Lakeland, FL.
During their visit they commissioned five newly installed Merlin 1000SW+ Classroom Utility Controls. On site were Jack McGowan  of Hunt Construction an Aecom Company and Shawn Miler from Q ans Q Inc an ESOP Company. The units are protecting the science labs and preparation room for the new science building. State of the art science labs with he full protection of the Merlin 1000SW+ control.


Lee and Chris also demonstrated the units capabilities to the facilities team led by Joe Colton.


The guys had some great feedback and are more than happy with the installation. Q and Q Inc did a fantastic job and Jack mentioned how he was very satisfied with both the product and the service he received during the project. Joe and his team are now up to date with the functionality of the panel and are looking to have one of their team trained at the AGS offices in Clearwater.


We would like to take this time to thank Gabriel Coello at OCI Associates, Inc. for putting us forward as an alternative.  Thanks again to Billy and Shawn from Q and Q, Inc. and our thanks go out to Jack for his professionalism throughout this project. It was a real pleasure to work with all of you.



For more information regarding the Merlin 1000 range of classroom utility control units or any of the American Gas Safety product line please call the sales office on (727)-608-4375 or email